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Sharing Authentically

I was debating whether my full story belongs on this blog. Is this blog about Tantra in general or is also about my personal journey, which includes Tantra?

I feel my personal journey may serve as an inspiration to others. My path is through Tantra, which incorporates authenticity, spirituality, and sexuality. Making this blog more personal lies in my devotion towards vulnerability. I don't pretend to be a Tantra teacher. So being honest and open makes more sense to me. I want to share what I learn, feel and think from a student of life/Tantra perspective.

My goal is to expand, to grow and learn, to touch my true potential as a human being so I can be of service to others, so I can enjoy the fruits of Life more fully, so I can be present, grounded, and soaring the majesty of my creation, so I can be connected to you in the deepest way possible, so that I can feel unbounded Love for myself and others.

Each new day is an opportunity to soar, to crash, to cry, to scream, to laugh, to feel, to create, to be. Where am I headed? What do I truly want? What if I could enjoy abundance in every aspect of my Life? These are questions worth asking oneself every single day. Anything is possible, especially the magical, the incredible, the amazing.

I want to share my experience with you as if we were sitting in a large circle. I want to speak my truth because it is scary. Yet it is what binds me to you, connects me to your soul because it makes me human, and you can relate to it.

The fear is based on my own limiting beliefs that separate me from my core of Light and Love. Yes, deep inside we are all pure Unconditional Love. Our conditioning, society, upbringing, experiences have often disconnected us from that source. Life is about shedding all those layers so that we can reconnect to what and who we truly are.

Speaking authentically connects us all. We think it will bring judgement, separation, retaliation, yet it does the opposite. I want to connect with others. I am no better or worse than you. I know nothing. Everything I share is only worth what it makes you feel, what strikes a chord in you. If it inspires, encourages, lightens your day, then all the best. If it helps you understand, or if it makes no sense, that's ok too. I am just doing my best to be real.

Do you have anyone in your life that you can share authentically with? Can you tell that person everything? What works for me is if that person just listens without interrupting when I am sharing. I just need someone to 'hold space' for me, to be present and listen.

We all have a deep need to be heard. In community life, it was easy to find this. Now that I live in a city, I have to create it. Sharing circles are the best, but not always available. Look for a Men's or Women's circle in your town. They are well worth joining. It can transform your Life.

Greg Clarke

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